
GMC "Carbon Pro" Longform


Unleashing the Power of Long Form Video Ads for GMC’s CarbonPro Truck Bed

Pluto, a full-service creative content studio, has produced long form video ads for GMC’s CarbonPro truck bed. The ad explores what happens when the new GMC truck is put to the ultimate test against a hurricane.

Testing the Limits

The video, titled “CarbonPro vs Hurricane,” demonstrates the exceptional durability and functionality of the GMC CarbonPro truck bed. It features various projectiles being hurled at the truck bed, propelled by hurricane-force winds.

Astounding Results

Despite the harsh conditions, the GMC truck bed remained unfazed. The massive projectiles bounced off the truck bed without causing any scratches, dents, or structural damage. As a result, the tests showcased the superior strength of the GMC CarbonPro truck bed.

Captivating Creativity

Further, Pluto’s team delivered captivating creative editorial, phenomenal sound design, and best-in-class VFX to make this epic video ad introducing the CarbonPro for General Motors. Above all, the video is as entertaining as it is informative and underscores GM’s marketing message that “if it can handle a hurricane, it can handle you.”

Long Form Videos

Long form videos are an effective way to showcase a product’s unique features and capabilities. As a result, they provide ample time to dive into the details and highlight what makes a product stand out. In this case, the long form video ad effectively showcased the exceptional durability and functionality of the GMC CarbonPro truck bed.

Proving Hyperbole

By and large, the long form video ad effectively turned hyperbole into reality. Thereby proving that GMC trucks really can withstand most anything. Undoubtedly, the ad successfully showcased the product’s superior strength and durability, making it an attractive option for customers in need of a reliable and long-lasting truck bed.

In conclusion, Pluto’s long form video for GMC’s CarbonPro truck bed is a stunning example of the power of long form video ads. The ad effectively showcases the exceptional durability and functionality of the GMC CarbonPro truck bed, thus making it a top choice for customers in need of a reliable and strong truck bed.



  • Editorial
  • VFX
  • Sound Design