
Creating Impactful Content for Live Events: How Not to Blend into the Chaos

A large armored military tank showcased on a display platform at a trade show, with General Dynamics branding visible. The tank is set against a backdrop of a clear blue sky with clouds.

By Dave Corbett, Founder & Executive Creative Director, Pluto: A Creative Content Agency

Live events and trade shows—they’re like the wild west of marketing. You’re out there, desperately trying to grab someone’s attention while they’re drowning in freebies, distractions, and the occasional giant mascot costume. Fun, right? But don’t sweat it. If you want to make an impact without screaming “Hey, look at me!” (because, let’s be honest, that never works), there are a few things you can do to make sure your content actually gets noticed.

Here’s how to stand out in a crowd of noise, flashing lights, and the siren call of the snack bar.

Rule #1: Know Your Environment (It’s Like Herding Cats)

Picture it: You’re at a trade show, booths on every side, people darting from one shiny thing to the next. It’s chaos. People are moving, talking, scanning QR codes like it’s their full-time job. Spoiler alert: they’re not going to stand in front of your screen for more than a few seconds. Your content needs to be quick, clear, and able to hit them like a 5-second caffeine jolt. Oh, and don’t count on sound to save you. With all the noise bouncing around, you might as well be playing your audio underwater.

Rule #2: Slow Down the Visuals (Not Everyone’s Got Super Speed)

Yeah, I get it—social media’s got us thinking we need to cut everything like a Marvel movie trailer. But live events? It’s the opposite. If your content moves faster than someone scrolling on their phone, you’ve already lost them. Slow it down. Give people time to actually see, process, and react. Think of your visuals as a lazy river, not a raging rapids ride.

Rule #3: Text Needs to Stick Around (People are Distracted, Remember?)

If you’ve got text, let it sit on the screen like a stubborn stain. People are only going to catch a glimpse of it between dodging salespeople and grabbing more swag. That means your key message better hang around long enough for them to read it twice—while walking by. Double up on display time, even if it feels excessive. Trust me, it’s not.

Rule #4: Forget the Sound (Unless You’ve Invented a Way to Defeat Noise Pollution)

Trade shows aren’t known for their library-like tranquility. Even if you’ve got the most perfect voice-over, chances are it’ll get lost in the background hum of chatter, clinking lanyards, and general event chaos. Stick to visuals that don’t need sound to make sense. Sure, background music is great for editing, but at the event itself, you might as well put your screen on mute.

Rule #5: Be Bold (Or Get Lost in the Noise)

Subtlety is great—just not here. This isn’t the time for gentle gradients or soft pastels. If your content looks like it was designed for a meditation app, you’ve already lost. Go bold or go home. Think high contrast, strong colors, and visuals that slap people in the face (metaphorically, of course). You want to stand out, not fade into the glow of 500 overhead lights.

Rule #6: Keep It Short and Sweet (Nobody’s Reading Your Novel)

Long titles and wordy sentences? Hard pass. People are moving too fast for that. Your message should be short, punchy, and impossible to ignore. Think billboards, not brochures. One or two words can get the job done—less is more when it comes to live event content.

Rule #7: Take Risks (Within Reason)

Live event content is like speed dating—you’ve got about five seconds to make an impression. Don’t be afraid to take some risks. A funny visual or an off-the-wall concept can make people stop in their tracks (and hopefully not trip over your booth). People remember bold, so go for it. Just make sure it’s memorable for the right reasons. (No inflatable gorillas, please.)

Rule #8: Keep It Moving (Static Screens = Zzzzz)

If your screen’s not moving, your audience won’t either. Static visuals get tuned out faster than the fourth Zoom meeting of the day. Make sure there’s motion—floating text, simple animations, anything to catch someone’s eye. It doesn’t need to be flashy, just engaging enough to pull attention.

Rule #9: Show Some Faces (Humans Like Humans, Who Knew?)

Turns out, people like looking at other people. Groundbreaking, right? Simple visuals of faces, smiles, or anything that shows real emotion can instantly make your content more relatable. Whether it’s showing a diverse crowd, a happy customer, or someone crushing it at a workout, human images are always a win.

Final Thoughts (TL;DR: Don’t Overthink It)

Creating content for live events isn’t rocket science, but it does require a different mindset. Keep it simple, bold, and dynamic. Your audience is distracted, busy, and probably eyeing the free coffee more than your booth. So slow down your visuals, embrace contrast, and keep things moving. Do all that, and your content might just break through the chaos and leave a lasting impression.